Sep 30, 2011


在這夜深人靜的夜晚, 我的確還挂在綫上
爲啥我還沒去見周公 原因是我才剛完成我的assignment

雖然還得做些微調, 可是大致上已算是完成了
竟然只用了兩天就趕完了 很不錯吧


真累人  晚安各位

Sep 12, 2011

Successful marketing technique by OCBC

The OCBC Bank has put a lot of effort in studying encompass over 1,000 youths, conduct o ton of research, innovated new products, designed cool new stores to find out what the Gen-Y feels neglected by and disengaged from financial providers.

 Designed Debit Cards

Cool New Design Retail Stores


Free Designed Laptop Sleeve 

Stylish Flyers

indeed a totally successful marketing segmentation technique
it induces me to also feel like having a stylish designed debit card
however, there is none of OCBC bank branches in Malaysia
there is really still a lot of things to learn from marketing

Sep 10, 2011

Gay McDonald's ad in France

cool man
i love this ad
what a waste if that guy is a real gay :s

Sep 9, 2011

a letter to my lovely bloggie

my beloved bloggie,

Oh hey my lovely blog! long time no see
finally im back!! ive been so busy over these few weeks
my second semester is entering into week 8th
final exam coming to say hello to me again for another 1 month
for the past few months, ive already done 8 assignments and 2 MCQ tests
i feel so dissatisfied that there is none of presentation for this sem
i like presentation but why they never arrange any for us especially for marketing!!
feel so meaningless without any chance to speak or present in marketing class :(

Oya, there was something amazing and incredible
it was so unexpected that i found marketing is interesting
the marketing textbook was so interesting though it can still make me feel sleepy
i prefer the textbook rather than tutorial or lecture
no wonder yue fang will major in marketing but totally have no idea why she found management is interesting

by the way, ive got 33/40 for econs mcq test
i was merely satisfied with the marks but it couldnt delight me
i am so in love with econs but i could only get this kind of marks
the marks did not meet my expectations

anyway, at least i found somethings to update on your wall
see you again next time!!

yours sincerely,